All The Books

Every book began with a prayer to be part of the change that is needed in the world. To help disciple the next generation to live out Micah 6:8. To help increase unity and belonging for every child and human of every age. Within the church and every sphere of life. Not only has God downloaded this passion into Maria’s heart but as a mom, ministry leader, social worker, immigrant, and school counselor Maria has first hand seen the need for more resources.

Unity Book

Kind Book

Hope Book

Maria’s 3 Little Books

  • It’s my honor to endorse this meaningful and beautifully illustrated children’s book. I believe it’s more than a book, it is an investment into training  the generations that come after us with wisdom and truth.  The simple but profound thoughts will continue to shape and bring unity to the world around us.

    Lucinda Dooley, Global Senior Pastor Hillsong Church

  • Leading children in a celebration of differences is made easier, by this lovely practical book.  It is a clear guide for parents and educators as they lead children to honor and celebrate diversity.  It gives words and permission to engage our children on the much needed conversation on differences.  

    Lisa Qualls, Author & Speaker, The Connected Parent

  • Maria’s love for children & her desire to see the world become a more kind, just, inclusive, & equitable place shines through. She skillfully addresses a complex topic in a way that kids will enjoy & relate to. I highly recommend this book for anyone who cares about shaping a future in which every child can flourish.

    Dr. Terry M. Crist, Author & Pastor City of Grace Church