Read, Listen and Follow


Read, Listen and Follow

Our Why For Adoption and Foster Care

  1. There is a great need in the world for safe and caring families. Simply put, we've never had a reason not to step into meeting the need.

  2. We have been given so much by God and in Luke 12:48 it tells us to whom much is given much will be required. Simply put, we've never had a reason not to share the “much” that God has entrusted to us.

  3. The Bible talks about justice repeatedly throughout the Bible, sharing stories of adoption and telling us in James that caring for the orphan is part of pure religion. This verse is tucked in with other verses on how to live the Christian life. Simply put, we believe the Bible when in James 1:27 it tells us that caring for the fatherless and the vulnerable is true spirituality.

  4. Over 2000 years ago Joseph adopted Jesus and Jesus adopted us. Simply put, our heart is that the Church would consider adoption and foster care equal to have biological kids as demonstrated in the Bible.

  5. With every single one of our jewels we have had a specific calling from God. Simply put, God has called us to each one of our precious jewels and we want to say yes to all of the stories God has for us.

    Our precious jewels, both biological and adopted are sacred gifts entrusted to us by God. We consider it a joy and honor to be their parents.

    We believe not only in the church to rise up and lead in this space; we believe equally in therapeutic brain-based trauma parenting and approaches.  Fifteen years ago the work of TBRI and the book "
    The Connected Child" radically transformed our family and it continues to this day.  Both the book, ongoing education, and the TBRI practitioner training Maria went through in 2009 provided the tools, framework, and renewed heart posture to help our family thrive in the midst of attachment challenges, trauma, medical diagnoses, surgeries, a cancer journey, IEP's and 504's, blindness, mental health challenges, and mental illness.

    The complexities, loss and grief within adoption is real - as are the miracles, beauty and blessings.  Adoption & foster care holds the tension of both.